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Having a training focused daycare has its advantages. We can encourage good social behaviours and discourage anti-social behaviours. Our clients notice a massive difference in the behaviours of their dog just by coming to our daycare. 


We have an indoor and outdoor play area. Our ramp and tunnels in the inside and outside play areas help dogs build confidence and agility. Even the shyest and timid of dogs that come here manage to truly come out of their shell and their demeanour changes, it's quite astonishing to see the results but they speak for themselves! To see what life is like here and the results of our training based daycare, check out our videos on our social media pages.

Badge that shows they are the winners of Londons Best Daycare
Group of dogs sitting in a row in the daycare room with the Doggo Den logo painted behind them

*New Clients*

Select make a reservation - Training - Book a meet and greet assessment


Even if you work at home and you have no use for someone to look after your furry family member, we have clients who just do that. Playing and running with other dogs is the highest energy burner there is, tackling both physical and mental stimulation resulting in a dog that arrives home happy and content.


When dogs have spent their excess energy it makes behaviors easy to tackle and shape as well as obedience training easier to teach. 


The only thing that beats daycare for mental and physical stimulation is outdoor nature trail walks off leash with a pack. But we know it's very difficult to achieve that.


The Doggo Den enables dogs to positively change the world. To accomplish this, we currently are funding programs focused on worthy causes: Service Dogs for Veterans & local animal rescues here in London.


Structured Daycare Daily rate $41
Puppy (under 10 months) rate - $46

Two cars that have been made to look like dogs that are used as dog taxis

Optional Extras - Taxi

$8 one way taxi or $16 for 2 way taxi, straight from your door (or door code access) to our daycare and back again. Nice and convenient!

Book an assessment now to enter into our structured daycare program

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